Even though Port St. Lucie dentures are among the most trustworthy dental devices, they could still get damaged if you don’t take care of them properly. Eating sticky and hard foods can damage your dentures and could be one of the main reasons for denture issues. If you don’t take care, this unhealthy behavior could result in loose or broken dentures.
Here’s a list of snacks and meals you should stay away from if you want to know what kinds of foods you need to avoid to keep them safe.
Avoid sticky candy like caramel, toffee, and licorice if you want your dentures to last as long as possible. Chewy candies might stay in your artificial teeth even after removing them, making it harder to get them off your dentures. You might need to remove your dentures altogether to clean them and remove the sugary residue.
Although nuts have many health benefits, your new dental device may be harmed by this superfood. Dentures can withstand the force of chewing nuts, even the hard ones, but they can still sustain damage and your gums if you eat them regularly. Avoid this type of food during the first few weeks of wearing your dentures to stop them from falling out or breaking under pressure.
Your teeth and dentures could be harmed by lousy meat preparation. Hard meat that has the consistency of rubber might cause gum irritation and put a lot of stress on your dentures. If you chew too forcefully, your dentures could fall out, get damaged, or irritate your gums.
It’s normal to have some questions regarding dentures if you’ve never worn them or are considering obtaining them. At Smooth Sailing Dental, we can give you a solid set of dentures to help you re-establish your eating habits. Call us today to learn more about our services!