When you lost a tooth because you had it extracted or you experienced facial trauma, using dentures is ideal to restore your confidence in smiling. You can have full or partial custom-made Fort Pierce dentures, depending on your case.
Dentures can help you feel comfortable eating and talking once again. Dentures are convenient because they are removable too. Here are some things you should know about dentures, how long they last and how you can take care of them.
When taken care of properly, dentures can last for a long time. Full dentures can be used for up to five to ten years, while partial dentures last for even longer. Your mouth undergoes a lot of changes very often. That’s why the longevity of your dentures may vary.
Taking care of your dentures is something that you can easily do at home. To start with, avoid using toothpaste when cleaning dentures because toothpaste is abrasive and can cause scratches, which gives way for plaque to build up.
You can use denture cleaners for washing your dentures. Remember to choose the ones with the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance to ensure the safety of your oral health.
Remember to secure your dentures’ moisture whenever you are not using them. Soak your dentures in water or a soaking solution. Avoid using hot water as it could warp your dentures.
You should also avoid drinking hot beverages and eating hard or chewy food whenever you are wearing them.
We at Smooth Sailing Dental have been helping our patients in getting quality dentures that suit their needs. Our dentists can guarantee you better oral health after availing of our dentures.
If you’re in Fort Pierce looking to get dentures, we’ve the best place to go to. Let us all make our smiles better. Feel free to contact us to know more about dentures!