Infections can develop anywhere in the mouth especially in the areas of the tongue, the gums, lips, palate, cheeks, or within and below teeth. It can be caused by tooth decay or a broken tooth that has developed an infection to the pulp. The pulp contains large nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels. When an infection takes place, bacteria can spread out of the tooth to the bone or tissue below resulting in a dental abscess. One important thing to know about dental infection is that it can lead to sepsis. This is why seeing a St Lucie County dentist is so important because dental infections can be deadly, and sepsis is the body’s often fatal response to infection.
Sepsis kills and disables millions of people and requires early detection and treatment for survival. One-third of people worldwide who develop sepsis die. Sepsis and septic shock can result from an infection anywhere in the body. Many who do survive with this life-threatening condition are left with life-changing effects such as organ dysfunction, amputations, chronic pain fatigue, and/or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Don’t wait for the pain or swelling to get worse before seeing a dentist. Here are some of the signs of a mouth infection you shouldn’t ignore:
Millions of people die daily from sepsis and dental infection has caused thousands of emergency room visits among Americans every year. A badly infected tooth can also lead to cellulitis – another bacterial infection that can also be deadly if left untreated. Cellulitis is a massive swelling which blocks off the airway and suffocates the victim. The infection can also move upward and invade the sinus cavity and move even farther upward and lead to a brain abscess.
If you are having doubts about whether or not you have infections in the mouth, consult with a St Lucie County dentist today by contacting Smooth Sailing Dental for an appointment.