Having a healthy mouth is more than an aesthetic issue—it’s also crucial for your overall health. More and more studies have emerged linking the health of your mouth, teeth, and gums to your entire body, but when it comes to your immune system, it plays a key role.
Numerous systemic diseases, such as respiratory infections, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, have been related to bad oral health. In this article, we’ll explain this in detail so that you think twice before deciding to skip brushing your teeth the next time you’re tired.
Millions of bacteria live in your mouth. Some of them are beneficial to you and support the health of your gums and teeth, but others are harmful and can cause several infections dangerous to your body, like:
Likewise, your oral health may be impacted by the condition of your immune system. For example, gum disease is more common in patients with diabetes. In addition, you are more susceptible to major gum disease complications like tooth loss and bone loss if you already have a medical condition that weakens your immune system.
Oral health is crucial for general health and well-being. By taking good care of your mouth, teeth, and gums, you can support the maintenance of a robust and healthy immune system. And to do so, maintaining proper oral hygiene and visiting a dental professional at Smooth Sailing Dental is key.
Reach out and set an appointment!