Coronavirus Announcement Now Offering Telehealth Consultations! COVID-19 Patient Screening Form

Dear Patients and Parents,

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of our secure telehealth video service! We now offer fully HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for our patients and friends that is:

Our new video chat service is completely safe and secure, fully protects the privacy of the patient, and works on Android and iOS, on PCs and Macs! The software is fully vetted and tested so that our patients and friends can rest assured that their protected health information will remain private and secure. All you need to have is a computer, tablet or smartphone with Web Cam and audio capabilities and a good internet connection! We are now scheduling appointments for new and established patients to video chat directly with the dentist to review your existing treatment plans and/or answer any of your dental need questions. Patients may schedule video chat appointments by calling our office and speaking with our staff available during business hours Monday through Friday.

W. Roger Long, DDS, PA
Bethany T. Wierzbicki, DMD, MBA

Adriana Albite, DMD

W. Roger Long, DDS

What Happens if You Don’t Replace Your Dentures? 

partial Port St Lucie Dentures

Dentures can be life-changing, restoring your smile and making everyday tasks easier. But, like any well-used item, they wear down over time. Even quality Port St. Lucie dentures typically last between 5 to 10 years. So, what really happens if you don’t replace them when needed? 

Port St Lucie Dentures over white background

Consequences of Not Replacing Your Dentures 

Discomfort and Gum Irritation 

Over time, dentures can wear down and lose their fit. This often leads to discomfort, sore spots, and even painful gum irritation. As they become loose, everyday activities like chewing can become challenging, limiting your ability to enjoy meals comfortably. 

Changes in Facial Appearance 

When dentures start losing their structure, they can fail to support your facial muscles properly. This can lead to a sunken or aged look, as the dentures no longer maintain the natural contours of your face. 

Increased Jawbone Loss 

Ill-fitting dentures can cause uneven pressure on your jaw, accelerating bone loss. This not only changes your facial structure but also makes it harder to fit new dentures in the future, complicating treatment and affecting oral health. 

Speech Difficulties and Infection Risks 

Worn dentures can impact speech, making words sound slurred or creating a whistling effect. The poor fit also increases the likelihood of food getting trapped, raising the risk of mouth infections. 

person cleaning their Port St Lucie Dentures

Don’t Wait—Replace Your Port St. Lucie Dentures! 

Properly fitted dentures are crucial for comfort, function, and maintaining your smile. If your current dentures feel uncomfortable or haven’t been checked in a while, don’t delay. Book a consultation with Smooth Sailing Dental and keep your smile in top shape!

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Coronavirus Announcement Now Offering Telehealth Consultations! COVID-19 Patient Screening Form

Dear Patients and Parents,

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of our secure telehealth video service! We now offer fully HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for our patients and friends that is:

Our new video chat service is completely safe and secure, fully protects the privacy of the patient, and works on Android and iOS, on PCs and Macs! The software is fully vetted and tested so that our patients and friends can rest assured that their protected health information will remain private and secure. All you need to have is a computer, tablet or smartphone with Web Cam and audio capabilities and a good internet connection! We are now scheduling appointments for new and established patients to video chat directly with the dentist to review your existing treatment plans and/or answer any of your dental need questions. Patients may schedule video chat appointments by calling our office and speaking with our staff available during business hours Monday through Friday.

W. Roger Long, DDS, PA
Bethany T. Wierzbicki, DMD, MBA

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