Coronavirus Announcement Now Offering Telehealth Consultations! COVID-19 Patient Screening Form

Dear Patients and Parents,

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of our secure telehealth video service! We now offer fully HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for our patients and friends that is:

Our new video chat service is completely safe and secure, fully protects the privacy of the patient, and works on Android and iOS, on PCs and Macs! The software is fully vetted and tested so that our patients and friends can rest assured that their protected health information will remain private and secure. All you need to have is a computer, tablet or smartphone with Web Cam and audio capabilities and a good internet connection! We are now scheduling appointments for new and established patients to video chat directly with the dentist to review your existing treatment plans and/or answer any of your dental need questions. Patients may schedule video chat appointments by calling our office and speaking with our staff available during business hours Monday through Friday.

W. Roger Long, DDS, PA
Bethany T. Wierzbicki, DMD, MBA

Adriana Albite, DMD

W. Roger Long, DDS

What Happens When You Skip Dental Appointments?

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Aside from proper and consistent dental hygiene, preventative dentistry’s other mainstay is bi-annual dental check-ups. Did you know that you can prevent a host of oral health issues if you don’t skip your regular appointments with your Fort Pierce dentist? No matter how busy your schedule may be, you need to show up at the dental office to avoid the following problems:

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The Dangers of Skipping Your Dental Appointments

Plaque and Tartar Buildup

Your mouth is full of bacteria even with regular brushing and flossing. When bacteria react with food particles that cling to your teeth, they produce dental plaque. Plaque can cause considerable damage to your tooth enamel, which is the hard, protective covering of your teeth. If plaque is left unattended, it turns into tartar, a rough dental buildup that can hurt your gums. While plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing, tartar can only be removed by the Fort Pierce dentist.

Tooth Decay

When your acid-causing bacteria weaken your tooth’s enamel and lead to cavity formation in the tooth. Tooth cavities always start small that’s why it’s almost impossible to spot it at its earliest stages unless the dentist examines your teeth and identifies problem areas before they progress.

Gum Disease

Bacteria thrive in plaque buildup. If this is left untreated, it will eventually lead to the development of gum disease. This is characterized by the inflammation of your gums. Ignoring gum issues can greatly affect the surrounding bone of the tooth in question.

Bad Breath

The bacteria in your tongue and throat produce bad breath-causing Sulphur. Poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, and gum disease can cause bacteria to thrive.

Tooth Loss

When tooth decay and gum disease affect your mouth, your teeth will eventually loosen and fall off.

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Schedule an Appointment with a Fort Pierce Dentist

If you want to steer clear of these dental issues, contact Smooth Sailing Dental today to schedule an appointment.

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Coronavirus Announcement Now Offering Telehealth Consultations! COVID-19 Patient Screening Form

Dear Patients and Parents,

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of our secure telehealth video service! We now offer fully HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for our patients and friends that is:

Our new video chat service is completely safe and secure, fully protects the privacy of the patient, and works on Android and iOS, on PCs and Macs! The software is fully vetted and tested so that our patients and friends can rest assured that their protected health information will remain private and secure. All you need to have is a computer, tablet or smartphone with Web Cam and audio capabilities and a good internet connection! We are now scheduling appointments for new and established patients to video chat directly with the dentist to review your existing treatment plans and/or answer any of your dental need questions. Patients may schedule video chat appointments by calling our office and speaking with our staff available during business hours Monday through Friday.

W. Roger Long, DDS, PA
Bethany T. Wierzbicki, DMD, MBA

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