Looking for a missing teeth alternative that is convenient to use? Worry no more! Treasure Coast dentures are the solution to your discomfort in eating and talking caused by tooth loss.
If you wonder about your dentures’ durability and longevity, we have you covered! We are here to answer your questions and help you make your dentures last longer!
Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth and their surrounding tissues made of composite resin, porcelain, and acrylic. They are custom-made out of your teeth’ impressions to ensure a perfect fit in your mouth.
There are two types of dentures; partial and full dentures. Partial dentures have artificial replacement teeth attached to a pink-colored base connected by a metal framework.
On the other hand, full dentures can be either conventional or immediate. Conventional dentures are attached about eight to 12 weeks after tooth extraction, while immediate dentures are positioned right after tooth extraction.
Your dentures should be cleaned and maintained by soaking them overnight in a denture cleaning solution. Before using your dentures, make sure to brush them using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a cleaner recommended by your dentist.
Avoid using toothpaste and bleach when cleaning your dentures, as these mixtures are too abrasive, which can cause damages. Also, don’t use hot water when rinsing your dentures.
Store your dentures in lukewarm water or your cleaning solution to maintain their moisture when not in use. Toothpicks shouldn’t be used to get rid of food particles stuck in your dentures.
When you are following these cleaning procedures, your dentures can last for many years, saving you the costs of having them repaired.
We at Smooth Sailing Dental have been helping people restore and maintain their smiles with our quality dentures. With our expertise and technology, we can fill in your missing teeth in no time. Contact us today!