Coronavirus Announcement Now Offering Telehealth Consultations! COVID-19 Patient Screening Form

Dear Patients and Parents,

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of our secure telehealth video service! We now offer fully HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for our patients and friends that is:

Our new video chat service is completely safe and secure, fully protects the privacy of the patient, and works on Android and iOS, on PCs and Macs! The software is fully vetted and tested so that our patients and friends can rest assured that their protected health information will remain private and secure. All you need to have is a computer, tablet or smartphone with Web Cam and audio capabilities and a good internet connection! We are now scheduling appointments for new and established patients to video chat directly with the dentist to review your existing treatment plans and/or answer any of your dental need questions. Patients may schedule video chat appointments by calling our office and speaking with our staff available during business hours Monday through Friday.

W. Roger Long, DDS, PA
Bethany T. Wierzbicki, DMD, MBA

Adriana Albite, DMD

W. Roger Long, DDS

How to Make Your Dental Crowns Last Longer 

model of dental crowns in Fort Pierce

Besides correcting various cosmetic flaws, dental crowns in Fort Pierce also add strength to decayed or damaged teeth. Since crowns are known for their durability, more and more patients get them to restore their smile. If you want to get the most out of your crowns, you should learn how to take care of them. 

woman brushing her teeth to take care of her dental crowns in Fort Pierce

How to Care for Your Dental Crowns 

Steer Clear of Hard and Sticky Foods 

Although your crowns are strong and durable, they’re not indestructible. You can run the risk of breaking them if you chew on ice or hard candies. Moreover, eating sticky or chewy foods can weaken or loosen your crown. 

Practice Proper Oral Hygiene Habits 

Since the supporting tooth underneath the crown needs to stay healthy, it requires routine oral care. Brushing at least twice a day and flossing once daily can help you eliminate sticky plaque that makes your crown look less-than-stellar.  

Flossing ensures the removal of food particles caught between the crown and the neighboring tooth or the gum. If you have a temporary crown, you’ll have to floss gently to avoid dislodging it. In contrast, you can floss around a permanent crown the same way you floss around your natural teeth.  

The tooth underneath the crown may still have sensitivity issues when you consume hot or cold foods. If your teeth are naturally sensitive, try using a toothpaste that’s specifically formulated for sensitive teeth. 

Use a Night Guard 

If you suffer from bruxism or the involuntary clenching and grinding of teeth during sleep, you’ll want to talk to your dentist about using a custom night guard. This oral appliance works to protect your crown and cushion your teeth while you sleep at night. 

Schedule Regular Dental Visits 

Keep your teeth, crowns, and gums clean and healthy by having routine checkups and cleanings every six months. During these visits, your dentist will also check your crown to ensure that it lasts for years. 

dentist discussing options for dental crowns in Fort Pierce

Do You Need Dental Crowns in Fort Pierce? 

At Smooth Sailing Dental, we use state-of-the-art techniques and equipment to provide high-quality dental care to our patients. Book an appointment with us today. 

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Coronavirus Announcement Now Offering Telehealth Consultations! COVID-19 Patient Screening Form

Dear Patients and Parents,

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of our secure telehealth video service! We now offer fully HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for our patients and friends that is:

Our new video chat service is completely safe and secure, fully protects the privacy of the patient, and works on Android and iOS, on PCs and Macs! The software is fully vetted and tested so that our patients and friends can rest assured that their protected health information will remain private and secure. All you need to have is a computer, tablet or smartphone with Web Cam and audio capabilities and a good internet connection! We are now scheduling appointments for new and established patients to video chat directly with the dentist to review your existing treatment plans and/or answer any of your dental need questions. Patients may schedule video chat appointments by calling our office and speaking with our staff available during business hours Monday through Friday.

W. Roger Long, DDS, PA
Bethany T. Wierzbicki, DMD, MBA

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