Did you know that proper flossing can go a long way in removing food debris and plaque in areas where your toothbrush fails to reach? Your Ft Pierce dentist will tell you that the areas between your teeth and under the gumline don’t usually get the cleaning that they need when you just brush them. If this is left unaddressed, plaque can easily build up over time until it causes tooth decay or periodontal disease.
Your oral health could significantly improve with proper flossing. If you have the habit of brushing your teeth first before you floss, then you’re doing it wrong. Experts recommend flossing before brushing your teeth because flossing will allow you to lift and release the food particles, as well as the plaque, that attach themselves between your teeth.
Once they’re lifted and released, it would be much easier for you to remove them through brushing. Conversely, brushing before flossing will cause the remnants of the food you ate to stay in your mouth until the next time you brush your teeth. Dental health experts also recommend flossing at least once a day.
You can find two types of dental floss in your local store – nylon or multifilament floss and PTFE or monofilament floss. The nylon floss can come in a variety of flavors and they can also be waxed or unwaxed. However, they can shred or tear when they’re placed between teeth that have tight contact points.
On the other hand, PTFE is a shred-resistant and more expensive option. When you’re flossing with braces, it’s extremely important to choose waxed floss because they’re the ones that are less likely to get stuck in your braces or tear.
The best Ft. Pierce dentist at Smooth Sailing Dental can help you keep your teeth and gums in their best shape. Call us now to schedule your consultation!