Do you panic at the first sign of a dental emergency? Don’t. Staying calm should always be your number one priority in getting the help you need. Next, first aid plays a very important role in alleviating pain and minimizing damage before you can get to an emergency dentist in Fort Pierce.
What you do from the time of the incident to the moment you walk into the emergency dentist could mean the difference between losing or saving a tooth. In this article, we will give you first aid tips on how to handle dental emergencies.
For toothaches, swelling, and mouth injuries, make sure to apply a cold compress on the affected area to relieve any soreness and reduce swelling. You can use an ice pack or a wet washcloth, just something cold. You can also take a pain reliever to reduce your discomfort before getting to an emergency dentist in Fort Pierce. However, if you take a medication, just be sure it was previously approved by your doctor.
Whether you chipped or knocked out your tooth, you should try your best to find the pieces. Typically, your dentist can replant or reattach the parts of our tooth back to where they belong.
Keep in mind never to touch the roots of your knocked-out tooth. Hold it by the crown and then soak it in a cup of milk. If possible, try to place it back into its socket. Doing this will help preserve it until you reach the emergency dentist.
Rinsing with warm salt water can help relieve pain and draw out any infections. So, if you have a mouth injury, oral infection, or a dental abscess, rinse with warm saltwater. But you should still see a dentist to treat your oral problem and prevent it from causing further damage.
In case you experience a dental emergency, keep these first aid tips in mind and make sure to visit an emergency dentist in Fort Pierce immediately. At Smooth Sailing Dental, our emergency dentist can provide you the immediate care and treatment you need to save your smile!