Port St. Lucie dental implants work great for giving you a bright smile. You still can smile with your stained or damaged teeth, but we’re sure you’d prefer the alternative.
Replacing your damaged teeth with dental implants doesn’t end after they get fitted in your gums. You need to understand that your implants are an added responsibility, and you should know some valuable points to make your implants last longer.
The process of getting dental implants may include light to tedious gum work. You should expect your gums to feel sore after your operation.
You’ll be required to follow a strict soft-food diet to help the healing process of your gums. Stressing your gums with hard-to-chew food wouldn’t be a great idea. You can do your research or ask your dentist about post-op food recommendations.
Another thing that your dentist would recommend after your dental implant surgery is rest. It would help if you weren’t doing things that would put too much weight on your body. It’s best to schedule your surgery during your day off, so you won’t be required to run back to the office after getting your implants.
Also, since you’ll be under dental sedation, you should get a designated person who can drive you home safely. It’s normal to feel drowsy after the procedure, and being with someone you trust will make everything much easier.
Congratulations on your new teeth replacements! Our Smooth Sailing Dental team always wants to make you feel valued by giving you proper dental treatment. It’s also our goal to be with you at every step of your dental health journey.
We look forward to seeing your appointment on our calendar!