Having missing teeth doesn’t only compromise your oral health but also your self-esteem. After all, missing one or more teeth might make it difficult to behave confidently around others. Fortunately, crowns and dental bridges in Fort Pierce can help manage your missing teeth.
While both dental devices can help restore oral health, there are some significant differences in both procedures. Here’s the difference between dental crowns and bridges to help you decide what tooth replacement method is best for you.
While both procedures can replace your missing or damaged teeth, dental crowns can be used to protect your remaining healthy dental pulp. Your dentist will assess your teeth, and if your pulp is still healthy, they can grind down the unhealthy parts to make room for the crown. Compared to dental bridges, which only replace your missing teeth, dental crowns offer a protective and restorative option for your oral health.
For dental crowns, the artificial teeth may be placed on a dental implant or your remaining natural teeth. While in a dental bridge procedure, the artificial teeth need to be attached to a natural tooth that will be filed down for the bridgework to secure.
While both dental crowns and bridges can last for a long time with proper oral care and maintenance, both dental devices could last longer with the support of dental implants. With the help of the titanium screws inserted into your gums, the device can help support your artificial teeth, making them last longer.
Even if both dental devices can replace your missing teeth, it’s best to know how they differ from one another. Our team at Smooth Sailing Dental can provide you with the high-quality dental care you need. Get in touch with our team today to get started on your treatment!