Coronavirus Announcement Now Offering Telehealth Consultations! COVID-19 Patient Screening Form

Dear Patients and Parents,

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of our secure telehealth video service! We now offer fully HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for our patients and friends that is:

Our new video chat service is completely safe and secure, fully protects the privacy of the patient, and works on Android and iOS, on PCs and Macs! The software is fully vetted and tested so that our patients and friends can rest assured that their protected health information will remain private and secure. All you need to have is a computer, tablet or smartphone with Web Cam and audio capabilities and a good internet connection! We are now scheduling appointments for new and established patients to video chat directly with the dentist to review your existing treatment plans and/or answer any of your dental need questions. Patients may schedule video chat appointments by calling our office and speaking with our staff available during business hours Monday through Friday.

W. Roger Long, DDS, PA
Bethany T. Wierzbicki, DMD, MBA

Adriana Albite, DMD

W. Roger Long, DDS

How Smoking Can Affect Your Teeth

woman flosses teeth as suggested by a Fort Pierce dentist

Frequent smoking is known to lead to various issues with dental health that could lead to permanent damage. Fort Pierce dentists always remind their patients to stop smoking, whether they smoke once a day or a whole pack a day. If you’re not convinced that smoking can affect oral health, you should pay attention to these facts to better understand how smoking can deteriorate your teeth.   

Fort Pierce dentist checks patients teeth with dental mirror

Tobacco Use and Oral Health    

Discolored Teeth   

Smoking has several visible side effects, including stained and discolored teeth. Nicotine, tar, and other substances in your cigarette or tobacco products produce this discoloration. Depending on how long you’ve smoked, the stain on your teeth might range from yellow to black. Smoking-related tooth discolorations are concerning because it is difficult to whiten with regular cleaning.   

Tooth Decay 

Another problem that’s brought about by smoking is cavities. Cavities can form when plaque and bacteria are hardened as a result of smoking. The combination of plaque and bacteria on your teeth can start damaging your tooth’s enamel causing it to decay. 

Severe Oral Cancer  

While most smokers know that smoking is linked to respiratory conditions like lung and throat cancer, there are still those unaware that smoking can also result in oral or mouth cancer. The mouth and throat are the first places where the chemicals travel before entering the lungs. 

Gum Illness  

Smokers are more likely to develop gum illnesses such as gingivitis and other periodontitis than those who don’t. Chemicals produced by tobacco products could lead to the formation of bacterial plaque on the teeth, cheeks, and gums. Smoking also slows down the recovery from gum disorders by depriving the bloodstream, which carries the other blood cells, of oxygen.  

Fort Pierce dentist about to perform a dental treatment

Are You Looking for the Best Fort Pierce Dentist?   

If you’re looking for a trustworthy dentist who can provide you with reliable oral health treatments and dental guidance, Smooth Sailing Dental is here for you. We offer a wide range of dental services to meet all your oral health needs. Contact our staff right away

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Coronavirus Announcement Now Offering Telehealth Consultations! COVID-19 Patient Screening Form

Dear Patients and Parents,

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of our secure telehealth video service! We now offer fully HIPAA-compliant video conferencing for our patients and friends that is:

Our new video chat service is completely safe and secure, fully protects the privacy of the patient, and works on Android and iOS, on PCs and Macs! The software is fully vetted and tested so that our patients and friends can rest assured that their protected health information will remain private and secure. All you need to have is a computer, tablet or smartphone with Web Cam and audio capabilities and a good internet connection! We are now scheduling appointments for new and established patients to video chat directly with the dentist to review your existing treatment plans and/or answer any of your dental need questions. Patients may schedule video chat appointments by calling our office and speaking with our staff available during business hours Monday through Friday.

W. Roger Long, DDS, PA
Bethany T. Wierzbicki, DMD, MBA

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