Have you looked in the mirror lately and noticed unsightly stains on your teeth? Your cosmetic dentist in Fort Pierce can easily fix this problem through a professional teeth whitening treatment. While you can easily steer clear of some major offenders that cause discolored teeth, others are unavoidable. Let’s take a look at some.
Some of your favorite highly pigmented foods may have stained your teeth. If you constantly consume foods that are high in simple carbohydrates and sugar, don’t be surprised if your teeth become discolored over time.
Consuming highly pigmented beverages such as coffee, black tea, red wine, sodas, and sports drinks can stain your teeth.
Regular use of tobacco products can cause your teeth to turn dark. It doesn’t matter if you smoke or chew tobacco – if you won’t stop doing so, stains will settle deep into your teeth.
Did you know that certain antibiotics can discolor your teeth? For instance, tetracycline and doxycycline can turn the teeth into a graying-brown shade. Furthermore, other teeth-staining medications include antipsychotic drugs, antihistamines, and drugs that are used to control high blood pressure.
Mild tooth trauma due to a fall, an accident, or severe shock can potentially change the color of your teeth. In most cases, a child’s traumatized tooth turns yellow or brown. On the other hand, an adult’s traumatized tooth often turns gray or black.
Failure to practice proper oral hygiene can lead to the buildup of plaque. Without regular brushing, flossing, rinsing, and visits to the dentist, plaque buildup could cause tooth decay and teeth discoloration.
Although a specific health condition can rarely cause tooth discoloration, disease or its treatment can potentially affect the tooth enamel. For example, a cancer treatment that includes chemotherapy or radiation can cause teeth to darken.
The team of specialists at Smooth Sailing Dental can help you keep your smile brilliantly white with our quick and effective in-office whitening treatments. Schedule an appointment with us today to achieve that unstoppable white smile!